Turn out the lights, the party is over. The Republic has passed into the great beyond, the Supreme Court having shoveled the last of the dirt into the grave today.
Many have written about it more eloquently than I can, so here are some higlights and links to the full text of a number of them.
From Francis W. Porretto at Liberty's Torch
"That halting, choking sound you hear is the Cheyne-Stokes breathing of
the last remaining remnant of Americans' individual liberty.
The Republic has fallen. Let him save himself who can."
From T.L. Davis at TL In Exile
"We do not feel the joy we should at sharing our wealth, we feel resentment, we feel cheated when those funds go to someone who refuses work rather than to those who cannot find work. In a compassionate system the person who is destitute is not in need of funds, but in need of work. Those who offer kindness have no interest in giving money away, but do have an interest in providing opportunity."
From Anne Barnhardt
"And you know what the result will be? Not an iota of ObamaCare will be touched, much less repealed. The republicans want it every bit as much as the democrats. They're all gunning for that power. They will NEVER turn loose of that power voluntarily. We are now to the point where the only way we get rid of these people and re-establish a lawful government is through involuntary removal. In short, we are either going to have to have a junta, or an all-out hot civil war. I strongly, strongly advocate a junta at this point. A junta would be, by far, the least bloody solution. Sadly, there are no men of integrity left in the flag officer corps to do it - the U.S. military is populated by vile, power-hungry, money-grubbing Marxist degenerates just as much as the three branches."
And finally, with a look at the logical extension of the precedent that the Supreme Court established today, here's Donald Sensing at Sense Of Events
"Congress now has the Constitutional power to make you buy a firearm and ammunition.
The point I don't see other commentators getting is this: the ruling means that Congress now has unlimited power to tax. Congress now has the power to tax absolutely any activity or inactivity by individuals.
So does the Congress have the authority to make us eat broccoli, as one justice asked the solicitor general during the hearing? Now we know the answer: not eat it, but without question the Congress now enjoys the power to make us buy broccoli, whether we eat it or not. Don't buy it? Pay a special tax.
Congress has the power now to make everyone drive a white car - or pay a special tax if they don't.
Mark today's date on your calendars. June 28, 2012 is the day that the sovereignty of the American people vanished. This is the day we became subjects rather than citizens."
Now things should get interesting.
Alea iacta est