Thursday, July 14, 2011

Blogging To Resume Soon

It's been quite some time since I last posted here.  The whole blog needs a little facelift.  Part of the reason I haven't posted is that I've been busy on other writing projects, including a new blog under an assumed name (more on that in a future post).  I've also been noodling on what direction to take this blog.  It's kind of been all over the place with political and social commentary mixed in with motorcycle enthusiast and family stuff.  I'll figure it out.

The other part of the reason for the posting standstill has been the return of my son and his family from Japan.  They returned to the States on Christmas evening and have been staying with us since.  I have a hard time justifying sacrificing time with them to blog.  But honest, I'll be posting again very soon.  And I'll be updating links to other work I'm doing.

Meantime, here are a couple of videos to give you an example of how I'm spending my non-writing time.  Hope you enjoy.

Toby & Travis Discuss Super Mario

Kelsey & Toby On Four Wheeler
Caleb & Brandi Catch, Clean, Cook & Eat Dinner